The Greatest Renovation

Photo by TRΛVELER . on Unsplash

Photo by TRΛVELER . on Unsplash


Our house was built in 1959, and it shows. Our home is the perfect encapsulation of that era.  The shag-like carpet in the office has a geometric/tribal print that’s so horrible, it’s actually kind of cool. The wood paneling, olive decor and the paisley 60’s wallpaper perfectly capture the era. When we bought our home, we tried to look past the surface and look at the “bones” and the potential. The home was crafted with care, the rooms are large, the location is ideal, and there are plenty of windows to bring in natural light.

Our brokenness, His faithfulness

How many of us have taken on a renovation project and then found ourselves thinking, “Oh boy… now what?” A simple toilet upgrade can quickly turn into a full bathroom renovation when a leak is discovered in the floor. As we have started to renovate our home, I can’t help but wonder if this is how God sees us. Much like our fixer-upper, we may present an exterior that “has it all together,” but in reality there’s a mile-long list of needed repairs on the interior. I frequently find myself at the feet of the King asking for forgiveness and mercy for my failed “DIY attempts” to save my own soul. My attempts to fix my imperfections and redeem myself (outside of Him) cause more damage than if I would submit my ineptitude to Him.

This house is purchased and redeemed

Like any good DIYer, my husband and I often walk from room to room with a list of repairs needed and question whether we should give up and sell the house. We usually end up falling back on the value of the house, the location, how much we invested, etc. Similarly, there have been moments in my life where I question if my sin is too great, if my history is too damning, or if my sin habits are too costly to be truly redeemed. Can you imagine what a purchase agreement for our life would look like? I can imagine mine showing up on the desk of the Almighty, a huge stack of paper. Can you imagine our list of sins written out one by one, page by page?  But then, written over each line item are the words “paid in full.” Written with the blood of Christ, my purchase agreement has been paid. Ephesians 1:7 assures us:

“In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace”

Though my sin nailed Jesus to the cross, His grace has redeemed me and forgiven me. Though my list of sins is long, I was bought at a great price (1 Corinthians 6:20) and thus I am a new creation in Him (2 Corinthians 5:17, Ephesians 4:22-24.)

Who does God see?

Who does God see when He looks at us? Does He see us standing in the wake of our destructive past in our sin-stained clothes? Does He see us in our brokenness, disrepair, and shame? Thankfully, God sees through all of that and sees the one who redeemed us. He sees His Son, the one who died for us. He sees the good work Jesus is doing within us when we claim a saving faith in Him. Unlike us, He is faithful to continue the good work He started.

Have you taken on a DIY project before? How do you see yourself in the light of redemption?

Devin and Alexandra in December 2011. Babies starting their first renovation!

Devin and Alexandra in December 2011. Babies starting their first renovation!